Illustration: "Trickster" by Lance Foster in graphics version of site.The Trickster figure is archtypical in every Native American culture that I know of. However, this comic figure of profound significance takes different forms, whether as Iktomi the man-spider, Coyote, or Raven. Among the Ioway, Trickster is Ishjinki, with his raccoon-skin robe. However, both Rabbit (Mischinye) and Coyote (Manyikathi) also serve the role of trickster in many stories. Here, the overarching figure of Ishjinki envelopes both Rabbit and Coyote. The careful viewer will see that they are brought up to contemporary times in their antics, as they perform a Three Stooges move, with Coyote trying to poke Rabbit's eyes with forked fingers and Rabbit blocking him with the edge of his hand.. NYUK! NYUK!
Landscape of Belief
Colors and Directions