Language Lesson 2: Have some Coffee!IMPORTANT NOTICE: "Ioway Language Lesson 1: Have Some
Coffee" is copyright protected 1997 by Lance M. Foster. It may not be duplicated
to used in any form without the express permission of the author Lance M.
Foster. Ioway tribal members may print off a copy for their personal use
English -
Ioway | Sentence Analysis |
[English] Frank: Sit
down. Do you want some coffee? Bob: Yes. I want coffee. Thank you. Do you
have sugar? Frank: The sugar is in that bowl. Bob: This is good
coffee. Frank: Do you want some pie? We have apple or gooseberry. Bob: I
love pie! I want both!
[Ioway] Frank: Mina ne. Mankan thewe
lagunsta? Bob: Hunje. Mankan thewe hagunda ke. Aho. Nanyi astin je? Frank:
Waske ida nanyi ke. Bob: Je'e mankan thewe pi ke. Frank: Warok'in lagunsta
je? Shexanye aresku witadhe hanyiwi ke. Bob: Warok'in hegrahi ke! Nunki
hagunda ke! Frank: Mina ne. (MEE-nah nay)
Mankan thewe lagunsta? (MUH-kuh THAY-way
lah-GOON-stah?) ["medicine"+"black"+"you want"?]
Bob: Hunje.
(HOON-jay) ["yes"]
Mankan thewe hagunda ke. (MUH-kuh
THAY-way ha-GOON-dah keh) ["medicine"+"black"+"I want"+statement]
Aho. (ah-HOE) ["thank you" (or assent)]
Nanyi astin je?
(NAH-nyee a-STEEn jay?) ["sugar"+"you have"+question]
Frank: Waske ida nanyi ke. (wah-SKAY ee-DAH NAH-nyee keh)
["bowl"+"in there"+"sugar"+statement]
Bob: Je'e mankan thewe
pi ke. (JAY-ay MUH-kuh THAY-way PEE keh)
Frank: Warok'in
lagunsta je? (wah-ROHK-ee(n) lah-GOON-stah jay?) ["pie/cake"+"you
Shexanye aresku witadhe hanyiwi ke. (shay-KHA-nyay
ah-RAY-skoo wee-TAH-they HA-nyee-wee keh) ["apple"+"or"+"gooseberry"+"we
Bob: Warok'in hegrahi ke! (wah-ROHK-ee(n)
heen-GRAH-hee keh!) ["pie"+"I like/love"+statement]
Nunki hagunda
ke! (NOON-kee hah-GOON-dah keh!) ["both"+"I want"+statement]
(ah-HO) "hello"; "thank you"; "amen": used by men as assent or acknowledgement
of another's presence or statement. Women say "aha" (ah-HA)
(ah-NYEE) "to have"; "to own"; "to possess" ----anyi (I have) -------hanyiwi
(we have) ----asti (you have) -----astiwi (you all have) ----ani
(he/she/it has) --aninye (they have)
aresku (ah-RAY-skoo)
"either"; "or": some pronounce it "arexgu" (ah-RAY-khgu)
(GRAH-hee) "to like"; "to love" ----hegrahi (I love) ---------hingrahiwi (we
love) ----legrahi (you love) -------legrahiwi (you all love) ----grahi
(he/she/it loves) ---grahinye (they love)
guna (GOO-nah) "to
want" ----hagunda (I want) ---------hingundawi (we want) ----lagunsta
(you want) ------lagunstawi (you all want) ----guna (he/she/it wants)
----gunanye (they want)
hunje (HOON-jeh) "yes"
(ee-DAH) "to be there, in something"
je (jay) indicates a
je'e (JAY-ay) "this"
ke (keh) indicates a
statement (men; women use "ki" (kee))
mankan (MUH-kuh) "medicine"
mankanthewe (MUH-kuh-THAY-way) "coffee"; literally "black
mina (MEE-nah) "to sit" ----hamina (I sit)
-----------hinminawi (we sit) ----lamina (you sit) --------laminawi (you all
sit) ----mina (he/she/it sits) ----minanye (they sit)
(NAH-nyee) "sugar"; "syrup"; "tree sap"; literally "tree water". Long ago,
Ioways got sugar by tapping maple tree sap like some tribes still do up north,
notably the Ojibwe. The boiled-down tree sap made maple syrup and maple sugar.
The Ioways retained this term for any kind of "sugar".
ne (nay)
indicates a command to do something. Also used as "le", in some situations.
nunki (NOON-kee) "both"
shexanye (SHAY-kha-nyeh)
"apple": literally "big crabapple". The wild prairie crabapple (Malus
ioensis) was called "she" (SHAY). When white settlers introduced the much
larger domesticated apple, the Ioways called this new fruit "the BIG crabapple."
Some pronounce it "shexanje" (shay-KHAN-jay).
thewe (THAY-way)
"black"; "to be very dark in color"
warok'in (wah-ROHK-ee(n))
"pie"; "cake": literally "something cooked"
waske (WAH-skeh)
"bowl"; some pronounce it "waxge" (WAH-khgeh)
(wee-TAH-they) "gooseberry" (Gooseberry bush, berries (plant): Wild gooseberry
(Ribes cynosbati), and other gooseberry species)
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