Ioway Hairstyles
The women wore their hair in two braids if they were single, and one braid down the back if they were married.
The old time Iowa men wore their hair in a style that the
Sac and Fox (the latter tribe actually the Meskwaki) called "moconi",
similar to the Mohawk in having their entire head shaved, except for a
palm-sized area of hair on top of the head, with a single
(what the Iowa called "axho") coming down the back in a braid,
the eagle feather and roach was tied.
The Iowa men of long ago did not wear their hair in two braids
the Sioux or Plains fashion. In fact the Sioux and others called us
"Shaved Heads" like the Sac and Fox and Osage, and used that sign in the
Plains sign language to describe the shaved appearance.
Lance Foster
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