While we do put up some historic documents such as historic Iowa tribal rolls
and allotment lists, we do not put up family trees on the website in order to
protect the privacy of living members. Someday we hope to establish a database
for the use of tribal members but that is currently beyond our means. For now,
we are supplying the following list of family names (or surnames) found on Iowa
tribal rolls and documents. For some of these names we have members who are
focusing on researching those names and family connections, and if they have
agreed to be contacts, we have listed their names and emails.
Genealogy is not always totally accurate, but the researchers do the best
they can with sometimes faulty or missing information; no guarantee is implied.
None of us are professional genealogists but many have poured years of effort
and are graciously willing to share what they can. If you are a tribal member
researching one of these names and will agree to be a contact for other
researchers of that name, please email me and let me know. More than one
researcher can be listed for any name, as shared effort is the best and
different people may know more about different branches. Names in bold have
active researchers, listed afterwords. Some names have alternate spellings.
NOTE: Some surnames actually may be associated with other tribes originally,
but descendants of that lineage are on Ioway rolls due to intermarriage between
various tribes and the Ioway. For example, Deroin has Otoe lineage, Murphy and
LeClere have Sac and Fox (actually Sauk) lineage, and Barada has Omaha lineage,
as well as Ioway. Most Ioway descendants today have the bloodlines of several
tribes in them.
If you know of other surnames that should be added to this list, or you want
to be noted as a researcher/contact person, email me!
Barada Barada researcher: Jean Dobson Sellars; email: sjeanbug at aol.com
Baskette Baskette researcher: Virginia Kathaleen Wills; email: kathywills at kathywillsfamily.com; website: http://www.kathywillsfamily.com
Brien Brown
Campbell Coon Curley
Deroin / DeRoin / Derion / Dorion Deroin researcher:
Virginia Kathaleen Wills; email: kathywills at kathywillsfamily.com; website: http://www.kathywillsfamily.com
Dole Dougherty Dupins Dupuis Dupuis researcher: Kari Pitman; email: kpitma4 at hotmail.com
Farron Fee Foster Foster reseracher: Lance Foster; email
Franklin Franklin researcher: Susan Suttle-White; email: skwhite41 at aol.com
Godfrey Green
Kathanimane / Kathan-imahe (also see "Green") Keller Kent Ka-he-ga-in-ga Kihega
LeClere Lightfoot
Mahe-camme McAlister McClure Minkath-way Morris
Murphy Murphy researcher: Lance Foster; email
Neff / Nave Norris Nott
Partelow Perry
Rhodd Richardson Robinson
Roubidoux/ Robidoux Roubidoux researcher: Marilyn Roubidoux; email: roubidou at umich.edu
Roy Roy researcher: Susan Suttle-White; email: skwhite41 at aol.com
Spoonamore / Sponamore / Spoonemore Spoonamore researcher: Susan Suttle-White; email: skwhite41 at aol.com
Story / Storey Story researcher: Lance Foster; email
Tesson Tian-kooha
Van Valkenburg Vetter
Welch Welch researcher:
Sandra Shields Cook; email: sandra_l_cook at sbcglobal.net
Whitecloud Wilson
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