Convergent and Divergent Accommodation in Language Death
[A scholarly paper on the disappearance of Chiwere,
the language of the Iowa-Otoe-Missouria]
An Excerpt: "...the development of "family" dialects,
which are disparaged by those outside the family. The breakdown of
speakers' accommodation to one another in a dying language can be seen
to lead to dialect isolation and speaker intolerance of variability.
Further, there is a politeness requirement of the society that mandates
younger conversational partners to invite the discourse of older persons
and to reply in brief, respectful responses to their elders, but not to
engage them in vigorous turn-taking. That convergent accommodation has
helped a generation acquire only limited active competency in Chiwere
since its members learned the language from elders in a home setting and
did not use it outside the home with peers. The practice sped the decline
of the indigenous language."
The full paper appears below.
Convergent and Divergent Accommodation in Language
DAVID ROGLES Department of Anthropology (L.F., D.R.) 107 Swallow
Hall University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO
65211 and Luther College (L.A.S.) Decorah, IA
Accommodation theory sees maintenance of mutual intelligibility
among dialects as resulting from the speaker's adjustment of his or her
speech to that of a conversational partner who speaks a different
dialect. There are two aspects of accommodation, one divergent and the
other convergent, both of which appear involved in the decline of
some American Indian languages. The Missouri Chiwere Language Project has
been examining the linguistic situation of Chiwere Siouan as typical of
the process of language death on the Great Plains. In so doing, we have
found accommodation theory a useful framework within which to cast
hypotheses about the processes of language death in Chiwere, with a view to
understanding better --from the fragmented sources available to us --
how the language structure was in the past and how it should be
In this paper we wish to outline three hypotheses
formulated under Accommodation Theory for the study of Chiwere and to
describe the results of their testing. In each case, these middle-level
hypotheses rely on familiar formulations based on universals,
especially implicational hierarchies. Two of the three hypotheses have
been supported, and in fact, have led to the formulation of other
interesting hypotheses. The third was not supported according to our
study, although its investigation has given us some possibilities for
further exploration.
To begin, let us look at recent changes in
the 2nd person paradigm and the evidentials system.
The least
successful of our hypotheses was the Verb Classes Hypothesis. We reasoned
that what in other Siouan languages had been defined as verb classes by
ablaut and compounding possibilities were in Chiwere not primarily
phonologically determined. We thought the limitations on learning imposed
by the constrained situations in which children might speak the language
could have led to a reinterpretation of a grammatical structure based on
phonological classes by one more semantically or syntactically driven since
we had evidence from study of the 2nd person paradigm and evidentials
that some lexical semantic changes had disrupted
Nonetheless, phonological rules are clearly involved in
much of the variation revealed by these examples. For a simple example,
there is the seeming irregularity of verbs such as [git'á] 'fly, he flied
(0-git'á). When a pronominal prefix is added, the Ug deletes
when unprotected by following stressed vowel or resonant consonant; that
leads to the combination of the two vowels and a shifting of stress to
them (e.g., ha-git'á 1 p.-fly > [héta]). Still, it was clear that
phonology -- even bolstered by morphological features -- is insufficient
to define these classes of verbs.
The Chiwere verb system reveals a
stative-active pattern of inflection formally, with the active verbs
having transitive and intransitive forms and the distinction of
definite/indefinite (wa-) also being a primary one. These facts, plus the
importance of evidence and source of information as will be discussed
later in this paper, pointed us to the possibility that these verb
classes may be best examined in terms of their behavior in syntactic
constructions with a view to seeking classification in terms of
grammatical lack of accommodation (divergent accommodation) to be a major
force driving the loss of native language fluency through the development
of "family" dialects, which are disparaged by those outside the family.
The breakdown of speakers' accommodation to one another in a dying
language can be seen to lead to dialect isolation and speaker intolerance
of variability. Further, there is a politeness requirement of the society
that mandates younger conversational partners to invite the discourse of
older persons and to reply in brief, respectful responses to their elders,
but not to engage them in vigorous turn-taking. That convergent
accommodation has helped a generation acquire only limited active
competency in Chiwere since its members learned the language from elders
in a home setting and did not use it outside the home with peers. The
practice sped the decline of the indigenous language.
In ...[studying
the language of semispeakers from a usage] perspective, performances
of speakers may be seen not as "broken down" or "eroded" realizations of
an ideal competence, but as performances through which speakers are
manipulating symbolic materials available from a wide range of codes in
constructing a changing society. (Hill 1973:258)
Accommodation theory (Giles 1973a, 1973b, 1979; Trudgill 1986)
sees mutual intelligibility among dialects as resulting from the
speaker's adjustment of his or her speech to that of a conversational
partner who speaks a different dialect. Under this theory, at least one
impetus for language change comes out of the psychological motivation of
speakers to accommodate themselves to one another linguistically in
actual social interactions, both because they wish to please the other
person and because they wish to be understood. Accommodation theory
covers some of the same territory as Grice's Cooperative Principle (1975)
with this important difference: Whereas the Maxims of the Cooperative
Principle pertain to the organization of meaningful information in
communication, accommodation refers to all manner of speech production,
and in fact, most work within its framework has centered on the phonetic
matters of accent or on vocabulary choice.
In the sociolinguistic
work of proponents of accommodation theory (Nordenstam 1979, Trudgill
1983, 1986), accommodation theory has been used to describe dialect blurring
-- and the flux found at dialect boundaries, for regional dialects as
well as social ones. It has further provided a foundation for
understanding the process of change in dialects under contact (Trudgill
1986) as resulting from manipulation of styles of speaking by
individuals (Bell 1984). Dialect markers motivated by the speaker's
adjustment of his or her speech toward a perceived model can correlate
with change over time. This process was demonstrated by Trudgill
(1986:141-160) who, following LePage's work (1968, 1975, 1978; LePage et
al. 1974) on the pronunciation of British pop singers, traced the use
of linguistic features (Labov 1965, 1966, 1969) such as post-vocalic /r/
both across pop groups and, with the Beatles, across time. Such shifts
in pronunciation toward that of a perceived model is convergent
accommodation, a process that has been suggested represents a universal
trend and probably also a means by which linguistic change is diffused
(Trudgill 1985:2). That position invites the speculation that such
positive accommodation might serve as a source of change
Accommodation, however, has both a positive and a negative
aspect. The negative, termed divergent accommodation, results when
speakers purposely speak with a dialect or a style ( Bell 1984] that will distinguish them from, or even insult, their listeners.
The convergence/divergence dimension is cross-cut by an upward/downward
dimension; one can select the acrolect (upward) or the basilect
(downward) in accommodation (Table 1).
Type of Accommodation:
Divergent Convergent Upward Speaker: Acrolect
Speaker: Acrolect Hearer: Basilect Hearer: Acrolect Downward
Speaker: Basilect Speaker: Basilect Hearer: Acrolect Hearer:
Table 1. Convergence and Divergence in
Accommodation Theory (Adapted from Giles 1973:92)
Actually, of course, one need not adopt an
entire dialect to engage in this activity; mere adoption of some features
of a dialect is sufficient, as the pop group example shows; or as Bell
(1984) has demonstrated, the shift in a style of speaking is adequate, for
example a shift from formal to informal style. In fact, a famous instance
of downward divergence was signaled not with speech, but with dress when,
at close of World War II, General McArthur took Japan's surrender wearing
casual military attire rather than formal uniform to signal his contempt
for the enemy.
Trudgill reported on the strong suggestion in the
communications literature1 that positive behavioral accommodation is a
universal trend (1986:2) and speculated that accommodation might also be
a universal process by which linguistic change is diffused. For us, it is
an easy step from that position to one that suggests that accommodation is
also a source of change. In this paper, we examine the history and
present-day setting of Chiwere Siouan, which are typical of many other
American Indian languages. We propose that lack of accommodation -- or
divergent accommodation, along with convergent accommodation, is one
engine driving language death in Chiwere communities, and perhaps in
similar Plains Indian settings.
In obsolescent American Indian languages, there can
appear family dialects; the speech of non-family members is often
disparaged. Such a situation prevails among Chiwere speakers. As Chiwere
has declined, it has been used less as an every-day and more as a sacred
medium; it lives today almost exclusively in its high register, what has
ben termed its Latinate form (Hill and Hill 1986). Thus the breakdown of
speakers' accommodation to one another in a dying language can be seen
to lead to dialect isolation and speaker intolerance of
In the face of the expressed desire to maintain the
language by members of the two Chiwere-speaking tribes -- the
Otoe-Missouria and Ioway -- the language continues to decline. Chiwere
counts fewer than 10 fluent speakers, and up to about 30 other persons who
have some speaking knowledge of the language. Some persons have a
passive understanding of Chiwere, although they themselves either do not
speak at all or only name vocabulary items. All fluent speakers are
elderly, and all show some degree of language deficit. As documented
elsewhere (Stanley and Furbee 1901), Chiwere lives primarily in its high
register, what has been termed the Latinate form (Hill 1973; Hill and
Hill 1986), or at least in a context appropriate to the high register.
The language of every-day communication is English. The genres in which
Chiwere is used include songs (including the creation of new songs),
portions of naming ceremonies, prayers, stock phrases used in public
oratory that otherwise is conducted in English, and so on. We know of
one pair of friends who routinely converse informally in Chiwere; this pair,
ages 94 and 86, are hinharo, or formal friends pledged by their parents
to this life-long relationship in their boyhoods.
The language is
now a precious medium. Possession of only a few phrases or a memorized
story elevates the speaker in the community view. The language has
become "objectualized," to use Silverstein's (1984) term, as it has
reached heirloom status. Indeed, it appears that the Chiwere communities
accept a strong version of the Whorf hypothesis, because its few fluent
speakers are themselves regarded as heirlooms, as cherished reservoirs
of knowledge of ancient ways just because they are fluent in Chiwere,
and therefore are thought to have access to important ways of thought
associated with life before contact with Europeans. In fact, of course, the
fluent speakers' knowledge of the past life on the Plains is quite
fragmentary. With two possible exceptions, none of them has had much
exposure to the high, sacred language -- the primary venue through which
the language lives today. As often as not, that Latinate form emerges in a
memorized text from the lips of persons who are essentially non-speakers
of Chiwere. For example, as a memorized old song sung by a singer who is
not a fluent speaker of the language, or perhaps not even a "speaker" or
"semi-speaker" in the linguistic sense at all. Thus, singers in the Tribe
may memorize songs in Chiwere, just as they would songs in Ponca, Caddo,
and other languages. So we have the curious situation of a living --
barely living -- high form of a language, but a living fluent population
of speakers who know primarily the every-day, secular form of it. Further,
new songs are constructed in consultation with these few fluent
speakers, none of whom is fluent in the high register, which means that
new sacred texts are now constructed in every-day Chiwere, and committed
to memory by non-speakers of the language for use in sacred settings such as
the powwow. The remainder of this paper treats how such a circumstance
could have come about, and what lessons might be learned from it for the
study of language death.
Following is a possible scenario for the process of
language death in Chiwere and similar languages, following accommodation
theory. These stages may be compared with those presented for Mexicano
(Hill and Hill 1978).
Stage 1. Intra-tribal factionalism increases
as cultural controls and practices are disturbed by increased white
contact and government activity (+/-1800 - 1880). This first stage
that we can identify is that of growing factionalism. During this period,
the Otoe-Missouria and Ioway tribes were being settled on reservations
in Nebraska and Kansas, then later moved to lands in Oklahoma. As
evidence of the seriousness of dissent that arose during this period,
both tribes had splinter groups that refused for a time to move to the
designated Oklahoma lands. On the other hand, the Ioway had some members
who had left the Kansas and Nebraska lands early to join the Sac and Fox
in Oklahoma. Certainly, however, the earlier pressure of the westward
movement of white settlers also encouraged factionalization as
traditional cultural controls and practices were disturbed by contact and
governmental activity.
Stage 2. Family dialects arise
Through resettlement, education, andmissionizing, this
first generation of residents to grow up in the Oklahoma lands were
strongly discouraged in their attempts to maintain a traditional way of
life. These people were educated in schools that stigmatized use of
Indian languages. Following the now familiar pattern, many were sent to
boarding schools where they were kept out of contact with their home
culture, thus creating in the generation a subgroup poised for
leadership, a group that was fluent in English, disinclined toward
maintenance of the traditional culture, and eager to broker. The best
speakers of Chiwere today are the survivors of this
For this generation, success in the community no longer
was achieved along traditional lines, a situation that sometimes pitted
traditionally prominent families against newly important families. This
was a period of "paper" chiefs, chiefs chosen by the government because
they were cooperative rather than by traditional means, further rupturing
intra-tribal alliances.
As speakers began to devalue the speech
of those outside their own families, they would feel that they would have
to "speak down" to non-family members if they were to accommodate in
Chiwere, since for them their own dialect would be the acrolect and
all others would be some kind of basilect. With the increase in
factionalism, there was less and less reason to accommodate. At this
stage of the process, many of the adults would have been monolingual. The
political and social disagreements in the tribe promoted lack
of accommodation, and since to any individual his or her dialect was the
correct language, divergent accommodation became an excellent way to
put-down non-family in political settings. To do so, one would need only
use an elevated form of their language, in effect, "talk up" (Giles'
upward divergence) to the non-family member, speaking in a manner
that perhaps diverged more than usual in order to exaggerate differences.
The scene is then set for two developments: First, the younger bilingual
generation began to broker for the tribe as their elders ceased
cooperating with one another, linguistically and otherwise.
Second, everyday use of Chiwere began to be limited to the home, making
it possible for "my Grandmother's language" to become the "best
language," thus promoting the birth of so-called "family dialects" (Allan
Taylor, personal communication, 1987).
Stage 3. The rise of
English as the language of every-day accommodation.
It would have fallen to the next generation of tribe members to try
to pull things together politically. This generation was fluent in
English and marginally bilingual; much of it was educated, often in
boarding schools that taught the white point of view, so for them
there may have seemed more hope of rapprochement between the cultures
than for their parents. Like all third generation immigrants, they had
the luxury of cultivating an interest in their roots without endangering
their place in the new society. They had some impetus for trying both to
maintain their tribes and to find a place for them in a white-dominated
At this point, however, English moved toward an every-day
language of accommodation outside the home, the neutral language. Aspects
of this situation resemble Third World settings where a colonial language
is used in public discourse just exactly because it neutralizes all the
signals of region, class, and caste that the native languages may
carry (e.g., see Ferguson and Gumperz 1960). So, at this stage in the
death of Chiwere, if one is being polite to a member of the community who
comes from outside one's family, one uses English, the neutral language,
in order to accommodate convergently to that speaker. If one is not being
polite, one uses the most divergent form of his family's dialect of Chiwere,
and does not accommodate to the speaker.
The home would have
remained Chiwere-speaking, but children did not become active Chiwere
speakers at least in part because a politeness requirement of Chiwere
society impeded their learning. That requirement dictates that the
younger of a conversational partner invite the discourse of the elder
partner but ought not engage in vigorous conversational turn-taking with
someone older. Such a custom represents convergent accommodation.
Children following this courtesy would gain little active
speaking experience at home among elders, the very persons from whom they
should learn the language and other traditional knowledge. Ordinarily,
active speaking skills would be gained conversing with age mates outside
the home, but since English by this time was the every-day language of
accommodation outside the family, these youngsters grew up with good
passive knowledge of Chiwere but little or no active skill in the
Stage 4. Bilingualism yields to spoken every-day English
and specialist-controlled ritual Chiwere (1950-present).
result was that English became the language of every-day discourse, and
Chiwere remained the language of ritual. Since many of the public
rituals had been destroyed in the suppression of late-19th century
reservation life, the rituals that remained tended to be family ones:
naming ceremonies, family songs, rituals that are "owned" by a family
member and passed down to another family member. Dance groups, medicine
societies, and other centers of public ritual activity fell into
inactivity. Furthermore, as the number of competent speakers declined, there
were fewer persons who could be said to control both the every-day and
the Latinate registers of Chiwere. Now, in these final days of life for
Chiwere, there is really no fluent speaker with control of both
registers. Instead, there is some memorized Chiwere that is Latinate in
use in high context (e.g., old songs); there is every-day Chiwere that
is used very occasionally in every-day contexts (e.g., conversation
between relatives or close friends), and most important, there is newly
cast "formal" Chiwere for use in high contexts that has been composed in
every-day Chiwere (e.g., newly constructed songs).
Let us look at
Chiwere data from the standpoint of accommodation theory, and
consider predictions for language change in Chiwere from the
theory predicts that the process of accommodation will yield
an interlanguage or interdialect that contains intermediate forms, forms
that did not necessarily exist in the original languages or dialects. A
large number of variations are produced which primarily involve salient
features, features that speakers of both dialects or languages know to be
characteristic of the other. For example, the flap t in American English is
adopted by accommodating British English speakers because it is known to
be an American feature; the same is true for numbers of lexical items,
and some syntactic constructions (although in this instance for few
morphological ones). Thus, we begin to see a very large repertoire
of forms. This situation obtains for positive convergent accommodation,
as in the English case, but from examination of Chiwere, seems also to
hold true for divergent accommodation. In Chiwere, there also are a large
number of well-known forms that differ between the Otoe-Missouria and the
Iowa dialects. These may date to a time when positive accommodation
existed between the two dialects. Examples of these differences include:
(a) O-M / ñ / ~ I /o/, (b) O-M /s/ ~ I / çs /, (c) O-M second-syllable
stress on some lexical items vs. Iowa first-syllable stress on the same
items. In addition, it would appear that the lack of accommodation has
also produced variants within and across the two dialects.
This state
may have developed because family dialects changed in isolation from
one another. For that reason, one can predict that the more factionalized
a group is the more forms of markers there will be in its dialect;
furthermore, change should proceed more rapidly in the more factionalized
group where family dialects are stronger and less likely to be used with
other Chiwere speakers. In the specific case of consonant collapsing,
however, we can already see a more advanced state of change as indicated
by fewer variants as a reduction in consonant inventory draws near to
completion. Both dialects of Chiwere show a collapse of the contrast
between the glottalized consonants and the lenis, unaspirated consonants,
but the Iowa dialect shows greater loss than the Otoe-Missouria dialect.
It may be hypothesized that reduction of variants signals imminent
language death.
Chiwere has three series of consonants: (1) a tense
aspirated series, (2) a lenis unaspirated series with both voiced and
unvoiced alternates, and (3) a glottalized series. The lenis series of
consonants has two alternates, voiced and unvoiced. The change that has been
occurring is that the glottalized consonant series is merging with the
voiced alternate of the lenis series.
The result is a reduction
from three series of consonants to two series. These are the voiceless
tense aspirate consonants and the lenis consonants, the latter with voiced
and unvoiced alternates.
This change can be seen also in the
related Dhegiha Siouan languages (Rankin 1978, Rankin and Koontz 1986).
Dhegiha has four series of consonants: (1) tense voiceless gemminates,
(2) tense voiceless aspirates, (3) lenis consonants with voiced and
unvoiced alternates, and (4) glottalized. Over time, the related
developments in Dhegiha have been those in 3:
3. (1) glottalized
fricatives merged with plain voiceless counterparts (2) C' > C' ~
C (5) Ch retained (4) C > [+voice] [+lax] (5) CC
We can compare the Chiwere and Dhegiha
These changes would leave Dhegiha, eventually, with a
tense/aspirate/lax set of contrasts in the consonants, which would have
derived from a tense/aspirate/lax/glottalized series. In Chiwere, on the
other hand, an original set of contrasts based on aspiration (also
tense), laxness (with voiced and voiceless variants), and glottalization
is nearly completely reduced, especially in the Iowa dialect, to a
contrast between tense aspirates and lax unaspirated consonants; the
latter have two variants, a voiceless one and a voiced one that has
absorbed the former glottalized consonants. Although we think it unlikely
that the Iowa dialect will persist into the next generation as a spoken
language, we do think it possible for it to endure sufficiently long to
develop this voice/non-voice contrast in the lax consonants. As Rankin
(1978) and Rankin and Koontz (1986) note, the collapse of glottalized
consonants and lax consonants into a single phoneme follows a pattern
predicted by a universal hierarchy of phonological features, one that is
paralleled by the contemporary situation in the Dhegiha languages where a
four-way contrast is collapsing into three. If Chiwere were to persist in
the Iowa-speaking community, we suggest that the language would develop
the voicing contrast shown in 4; if so, it would then have a three-way
contrast once again, but one based on tense consonants, lax voiced
consonants, and lax unvoiced consonants. We suggest this path of
development because it is our impression that there remains a
difference in the voicing behavior between lexical items with the now lax
consonants that derive from the original lax set and those that derive
from the glottalized set. The latter, we perceive, rarely have devoiced
versions, whereas the former have voiced and voiceless
NEED EXAMPLES HERE of lexical items (a) with lax
consonants deriving from original lax set and (b) with lax consonants
deriving from glottalized set.
We also suggest that there is a kind
of communicative necessity that would drive such an innovation since
homophony becomes very high with only two contrasting series
of consonants; indeed, Dhegiha innovated its fourth series of consonants
from what was apparently a proto-Siouan series of
for evidence permeates Chiwere grammar. It can been seen, for example, in
the series of particles associated with the sentence. Often referred to
as the "sentence determiners," these have gender-specific variants and
include khe (m.)/khi (f.) declarative (e.g., warigrókhiwi khe 'I (masc.)
pray you listen to me'); re (m.)/ræ ~ r´ (f.) (often now, only re, the
masculine form, is used) polite request/polite command; ho (m.)/h£a
(f.) hortative; hna (m.)/ hna (f.) yes/no question; ne (m/f) strong
demand/command; ah (m.)/ a÷e (f.) irritation, ask£u (m.)/ asko (f.)
quotative. The function of these particles appears to be more complex
than simply labeling gender of speaker and type of speech act. They
also signal source of information in the expression (quotative) or
attitudes toward the information (quotative) or the addressee
(irritation). These latter distinctions suggest the possibility of a
previous independent system of evidentials, now conflated with the
sentence determiners, although today concern for character of evidence
distinctions can be identified in other areas of the grammar as
The deictic system, for instance, holds a distinction for going
away from and back to the speakers 'home' or 'home base.' The 'home'
category pervades Siouan languages and is cross-cut by the category of
motion and arrival. These forms are conventionally identified
as "vertitive verbs" (Taylor 1976). So, for example, the vertitive
Chiwere verbs grí means 'to arrive here/home (motion at arrival)' and gú
'to arrive here toward home (motion prior to arrival)' may be compared
with the nonvertitive *íi 'to arrive here (not home) (motion at arrival)'
and hú 'to arrive here (not home) (motion prior to arrival)' (Taylor
We can couple these findings with possible changes in the
second person paradigm. One fluent speaker freely uses second person
forms for questions or commands, but generally resists its employ for
declaratives except with the future tense (which he tends to translate
as a polite command). He claims that the second person is never used with
past or present in declaratives because one cannot tell someone what he
or she did or is doing, only perhaps what the addressee will do. In fact,
other speakers do use the second person with past and present, and it is
reported in early studies, such as the Marsh and Dorsey manuscripts,
and is included in Whitman's 1947 paper, the primary informant for which
was the father of the speaker in question (Hopkins and Furbee 1991).
Forms of the second person with present and past tense verbs were
discovered also in the casual, non-elicited speech of the informant who
denied their appropriateness, and he accepted several documentary and
present-day contextualized examples of the second person in present and
past tense from these texts, although he remained reluctant to extend
general acceptance to all such cases.
Those observations suggested a
loss of the second person category in some grammatical contexts and
possibly some social ones. Explanations for such changes in language
death offered in the past have ranged from their being patterned
according to a reverse of the either the acquisitional sequence or the
creolization process to, more generally, the elements unraveling from
most marked to least marked. The last suggestion is the most
direct statement of an implicit universal formulation and was the form
tested in a study of change in the Chiwere second person paradigm
reported by Lonsdorf and Furbee (1993) using a version of the noun phrase
hierarchy proposed by Silverstein (1977, 1985). That work gave special
consideration to accounting for the regularities seen at the interface of
two planes of analysis, the phonological and morphosyntactic. Among the
specific sets Silverstein treated were noun phrases and
pronominalizations, leading to his developing a markedness-based typology
of case marking that made particular reference to a possible dynamic
between ergative and accusative systems. Lonsdorf and Furbee found some
evidence that more marked Chiwere pronominal Forms were being lost in
advance of less marked ones.
Table 2 shows relevant Chiwere
pronominal forms arranged according to the pertinent categories and
features in the noun phrase hierarchy. Only those features that pertain
for Chiwere are included. The prediction is that the left-most forms will
be the most stable and the most resistant to erosion, the right-most
forms the most vulnerable.
Table 2 omitted due to lack of space]
this hierarchy of noun phrase types in referential space, one can make
several predictions: There is the universal typological prediction that a
language having a category at the right of the figure is likely to
possess all categories to the left of it. In addition, as in other
instances of implicational hierarchies, the model predicts a growing
complexity such that one might expect children learning a language to
first acquire the leftmost categories, which are also the least marked.
Conversely, one might test the idea that a person (e.g., an aphasic) is
likely to lose linguistic categories from the most marked end of the scale
before those that are less marked. Similar predictions can be drawn for
the birth and death of languages themselves that in the growth and
development of creole languages, categories should be added from left
(least marked) to right (most marked) (see Bickerton 1981 &;1983,
Sankoff and Laberge 1973), and conversely, that in the situation of language
death, categories should be lost from right (most marked) to left (least
The pronominal study compared forms from various documentary
sources with those obtained from recent field work. The documentary
sources included the Dorsey manuscript (n.d. [1890]), the Marsh manscript
(n.d. [1935]), Voegelin's 1941 publication, Whitman's 1947 publication,
and Good Tracks' 1991 dictionary, which is based largely on
earlier manuscripts and publications. The documentary materials touched
back into the 19th century and even the more recent recorded the language
when it was widely spoken and healthy. The recent materials derived from
field notes dating from 1988-1992. Both literature and field notes were
surveyed for examples of pronominal use with verbs in both the agentive
and stative verb conjugations. Some examples (adapted from Lonsdorf
and Furbee 1993) follow:
Documentary Examples 4: Abbreviations
used in these examples are 1 p (first person), 2 p (second person), ag
(agentive), pl (plural), def (definite), sing (singular), masc
(masculine), dec (declarative), fem (feminine), pt
a. ra...wi 2 person plural
hºi yºinºa ra grèi wi 'You have come
back' my brothers 2 p ag arrive back pl def (Marsh,
b. ra - 2nd p singular
ra nºèayºi ra
nºèayºi 'You are standing'
nèayºi nèayºi 2 p sing
stand/be standing (Marsh, n.d.)
c. ha - 1st p.
ha skèaÇje 'I play' 1 p sing ag to
play (Marsh, n.d.)
d. hºi . . . wi 1st p. plural inclusive
hºi *i wi kSe 'We have come' 1p pl ag
come [here] pl def masc dec (Marsh, n.d.)
e. hºi
- 1st p dual
hºi gèi lo kSe 'I'm happy' 1 p dual ag
happy, glad masc dec (Marsh, n.d.)
a. ri-. . .wi 2 person plural
ri x'ºèa
~nºioe w`asgºu 'you (pl) seem to be tired.' 2 p pl pt
live; have vitality have nothing wi + asgºu pl
(def.) perhaps (Marsh n.d., Voegelin 1941)
b. ri- 2
person singular
ri xèºa~ne kSe 'you're big' 2 p sing
pt to be big masc dec (Marsh, n.d.)
c. hºi- 1st
person singular
hºi xwa~ne 'I am lost' 1 p sing pt to
be lost (Marsh n.d.,Voegelin 1941)
d. wa - wa . . . wi 1
person plural
wiwa hge hda wi ~nºioe kSe 'we
shall never wa + i + wa like (as) shall pl have
none, nothing masc dec be like/thus' 1p pl pt (Marsh n.d.)
e. wa - wa 1 person dual
wawèa ~nºioe 'we have
nothing' 1p dual pt have none, nothing (Marsh n.d.)
Recent Fieldwork Examples Abbreviations used in these examples
are 1 p (first person), 2 p (second person), ag (agentive), pl (plural),
def (definite), sing (singular), masc (masculine), dec (declarative), fem
(feminine), pt (patient).
a. ra . . . wi 2
person plural (def.)
warèu* ar`e ÷sºu ra h``ºa wi 'and you (pl) even
and food it is indeed, even 2 p ag cook pl
def cook the food '
b. ra - 2nd p singular
n`ayºi kSe 'you stood up' 2 p sing ag to stand masc
c. ha - 1st p. singular
ha çjèi kS`i 'I
came' 1 p sing ag came, arrive fem dec
d. hºi . . .
wi 1st p. plural inclusive (def)
hºi mèa~ni wi kS`e 'we
(2) are walking' 1 p pl ag to walk (move) pl masc
e. hºi - 1st p dual
hºi ma:~nìi kSe '2 or 3
that's walking(moving) 1 p dual ag walking(moving) masc
dec (we're walking)'
a. ri . . . wi 2
person plural
iyºa hºa rèi gra*`e wi 'we come to you
one hºi + a 2 p pl pt single out, seek out help
pl (Bear Clan)' 1 p sing ag on
b. ri - 2 person
ri ruxèa we }ne kS`e ' they have scratched
you ' 2p sing pt 'skin; peel something' 3 p pl masc.
dec. (you have a mark) rux'èi 'to scratch'
c. hºi
- 1 person singular
hºi s'èage kSi 'I am old' 1 p sing
pt to be old fem dec
d. wa - wa . . . wi- 1 person
wawa "èabed`a wi kSe 'we're intelligent' 1
p pl pt intelligent pl masc dec
e. wa - wa 1 person
hèine urage are wèawa ~ni asgºu 'We're the
last ones still we 2 last, end that is 1p dual pt a~ni
perhaps/ it seems friends, we are the two to
have remaining ones.'
The study found some support of the
idea that pronominal category loss proceeds from most marked to least
marked, although the evidence was not conclusive due largely to the small
number of examples of the first person dual and the second person plural
categories in either data set. The first person dual category was the one
predicted to be the most resistant to loss, but it actually showed even
fewer examples than the second person plural. The decline of the latter
showed no time differential. As mentioned, however, examples are few for
both these categories, and there are many fewer examples of the second
person plural in both document and field note records of this category
than of the second person singular, first person singular, or first
person plural.
Nonetheless, what seems to be happening here, from an
accommodation perspective, is that as Chiwere dies, selected aspects of
its structure coalesce due, at least in part, to changes in the
circumstances of its use, specifically the restricting of the every-day
language register first to the home (where information sources and
evidence are well known and widely shared) and then to memory alone. It
is possible that a prior system of evidentials has deteriorated and been
distributed, has specialized to exceptional cases, or possibly
has collapsed in on the sentence determiners primarily. The newly reduced
paradigm has become reinterpreted and rationalized. The reinterpretation
now extends even into the pronominal categories, where folk etymological
reasoning can be offered for a decline in distinctions made there.
Accommodation theory provides a rationale by which one can retrodict
shifts as hypotheses. We are pointed by the theory in this instance to look
for evidence of a previously strong system of evidentials, possibly
associated with the tense or aspect morphology.
In this paper, we have argued that both positive,
convergent accommodation and negative, divergent accommodation can impel
language change. In the case of Chiwere, the two processes would seem to
have accelerated the demise of the language. Indeed, the Chiwere data
lend support to the social cause for language maintenance and language loss,
and may point to a different direction for studies of language
The thrust of research on languages in the process of death
has been toward identifying the properties of various languages in the
state of decline or toward finding the universal characteristics that
govern their decline and associating those with models that have
known universal currency. For example, the types of phonological
reductions seen in Chiwere and Dhegiha language death correlate well with
the relative hierarchy of sound types found by Greenberg (1960a, pp.
63-66) in that the sounds are lost in a series from most marked to least
marked (Rankin 1978 and Koontz 1986, pp. 20-21; see also Dressler 1973 for
a discussion of phonological change). Nevin (n.d., p.18) has claimed that
the deacquisition explanation requires an assumption that successively
younger semi-speakers of a dying language cease learning at successively
earlier stages of the acquisition process. Whether interrupted learning
is the only means of obtaining deacquisition is perhaps questionable, but
it is clear that what is known of Stage 3 of Chiwere death is congruent with
that hypothesis. The findings from Chiwere pronominal loss also support a
universalist claims.
Nonetheless, it is generally agreed that
language internal factors never predominate as causes of language change
(Swadesh 1948, Hill 1983), even though their pattern may reflect an
internal set of predispositions, as in Sapir's concept of drift. Still,
structural study of language change has tended to center on
language-internal examination of properties of change in a dynamic system
glimpsed in mid-motion. Functional studies, on the other hand, do
identify aspects of the process of change that might be thought of as
impelling primary factors, but such first causes are nearly always
macrolevel ones external to the speech situation: For example, the
pressure of a colonial language on an indigenous one (Hill and Hill
1986), the pressure of a salient dialect feature for identification with a
lifeway, as in Labov's Martha's Vineyard study (1965), or the integrative
importance of a dying language in a community (Dorian 1978). Of course,
functional studies also identify causes of change within dynamic systems,
as in studies of syncretism in language (Hill and Hill 1986).
In addition, interesting general hypotheses have been derived from the
functional perspective that may be said to make universal claims; for
example, that language death is a case of decreolization (Dressler and
Wodak-Leodalter 1977, Trudgill 1978, Jones-Jackson 1984), that it is
deacquisition (Voegelin and Voegelin 1977, Mithun and Henry 1979), or that
it is code complexity reduction (Hill 1973).
Under accommodation
theory we can hypothesize about possible microlevel first causes
for language change. Furthermore, these products of accommodation are
themselves amenable to analysis as following universal tendencies, and so
are identifiable also with what might be thought of as an advantage
associated with study of language death from the point of view of loss of
competence. For example, Trudgill demonstrates that British English
speakers accommodate to American English by altering their pronunciation
according to a hierarchy of features such that those with the fewest or
weakest inhibiting factors are accommodated to first. The sequence he
discusses is (1) -/t/- > -/d/- in Peter etc., (2) /a:/ > /æ/ in dance
etc., (3) [C] > [ a ] in top etc., and (4) Ø > /r/ /__ { C
Looking back at the Chiwere and Dhegiha data, we can see the same
processes at work. Furthermore, we can use such information to frame
hypotheses about the direction and character of language change. It is
our position that we should reorient study of language death toward more
extensive examination of individual cases and their unique features
prior to any wholesale attempt to relate them to universal tendencies.
For example, reduction of syntactic complexity and massive borrowing from
the dominate language are thought to be two traits that universally
herald language obsolescence. Chiwere and some other dying Plains
languages show the first, but not the second. They have almost no borrowing
from English. Clearly social and political factors are involved in
Chiwere's resistance to loan words. Perhaps linguistic factors are
involved as well, but further investigation is needed to determine what
they might be.
We would therefore urge a longer period of concern
with the unique aspects of individual cases of language death because to
do so offers two kinds of information: First, it may give a more accurate
appraisal of the general universal processes involved in language
death. And second, it may hold particularly useful clues to what a
moribund language was like in the full vibrancy of life. Perhaps, before
a language dies it may be revealing of a widespread importance attached
to information validity and source. The situation with the second person
forms points one to an increased weighting of the importance of the
other expressions in the language that pertain to information source: the
gender-specific sentence determinitives and the vertitive verbs. The
latter may also be associable with semantic features of evidence,
experience, or volition, and there may be other verb sets in Chiwere that
may be similarly interpreted, such as those identified for Lakhota by Rood
and James (1991) that are constrained in their possible use with first
person agents. Not only may it be the case that an obsolescent language
such as Chiwere retains unmarked elements in expression of the universal
grammar, perhaps just before it dies such languages also reveal what was
most important about them individually in life.
It is probably an
important Chiwere fact functionally that it is the second person forms
in present and past that one consultant has lost, since he claims one
cannot tell someone what that person knows or did, but can only ask or
command the addressee. The fact is that Dorsey in the 1880s, Marsh in the
1930s, and Whitman in the 1930s and 40s, all give these second person
forms, and some other present-day speakers of both dialects use them
too. Their loss is a new development, but it may tell us also something
functionally important about Chiwere < a way of accommodating to the
hearer, if you like, that may be relatable structurally to the universal
feature hierarchy (Silverstein 1976) since the decline in the second
person appears to be predicted by the person and animacy feature
We would suggest that, in general, it is better to measure
all processes against a model based on universal characteristics, for
example , the implicational hierarchies, rather than to jump to
explanation of language death as representative of a process such as
decreolization, or deacquisition, which in itself is a middle-level
theoretical hypothesis drawn from ideas about universal grammar but not
fully demonstrated. Such an approach resembles one in descriptive
statistical analyses called Connonical Correlation. In the statistical
instance, in order to measure the character and degree of similarity
between two or more models, one easures each against some other model,
which may be an independently motivated model, or may be a construct that
lies somewhere between the two or more models being compared. That is, it
may be theoretically motivated, or it may be derived. What we would urge
is that we develop a model of language death grounded in universal
principles against which we measure actual instances of languages in
decline. In so doing, we may work back and forth between the model being
constructed and the one developed from the data. We may also measure each
against models derived fairly directly from analogic
cases (decreolization, deacquisition, etc.). Further, in a case such as
Chiwere, we would anticipate that the Connonical Universal Model would
inform attempts to construct a full descriptive model of the language
from the partial ones obtainable from individuals.
1 For support of the Missouri Chiwere Language
Project, from which this paper derives, we thank the Alumni Development
Fund, the Faculty Research Council, and the Department of Anthropology of
the University of Missouri-Columbia, the Penrose Fund of the American
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