Adapted for the web by Lance Foster, from The Otoes and Missourias, by
Berlin Basil Chapman, Pages 393-394, Appendix C. Times Journal Publishing Company (Oklahoma), 1965.
The following list is of 73 allotments made to Otoe children in 1906, including in brackets their sex and age. *Note: The ages of four children are not recorded on the allotment roll. Allotments received were as follows: Joseph Dailey, 466A; Frankie Dailey, 466B; James B. Dailey, 466C; Ada Pettit, 493A.
Alley, David [m / 6] Alley, Louisa [f / 4] Alley, Mable [f / 2] Atkins, Harvey R. [m / 1] Atkins, William [m / 3]
Barnes, Ethel Lewis [f / 2] Barnes, Frederic H. [m / 4] Barnes, Helen [f / 3] Barnes, Howard [m / 4] Barnes, Marion [m / 5] Barnes, Roy C. [m / 2] Bassett, Mary [f / 1] Big Soldier, Robert [m / 1] Blackhawk, Amos [m / 1] Brown, Lydia [f / 4] Burgess, Roy [m / 4]
Childs, George [m / 1] Cleghorn, Emmit [m / 3] Clifton, Beatrice [f / 4] Clifton, Claude R. [m / 3]
Dailey, Dewey W. [m / 6] Dailey, Esther [f / 6] Dailey, Frankie [*see note above] Dailey, James B. [*see note above] Dailey, Joseph [*see note above] Dailey, Lena [f / 3] Deroin, Earnest [m / 2] Deroin, Frank [m / 2] Deroin Joseph [m / 6] Deroin, Rosa [f / 3] Deroin, William F. [m / 3] Diamond, Myrtle [f / 3] Diamond, Rhoda [f / 5] Dupee, Edna [f / 2]
FawFaw Davis [m / 1] FawFaw, Riley W. [m / 3]
Grant , Vestina [f / 6] Grant, William [m / 3] Green, Edward [m / 3] Green, George [m / 4] Green, John W. [m / 3]
Harragara, Wilbur [m / 3] Hudson, Herbert [m / 6] Hudson, Ida [f / 2]
Jeans, Anna [f / 3] Jeans, Jessie [f / 1] Jones, John [m / 1]
Kent, Gail C [m / 1] Koshiway, Iva L [f / 2]
Little Crow, Murray [m / 6]
Moore, Edgar [m / 3] Moore, Hildegarde [f / 4] Moore, Sidney [m / 3]
Pettit, Ada [*see note above] Pettit, Frank [m / 4] Pettit, Lula [ f / 2] Pickering, George [m / 4] Pickering, Nellie [f / 5] Pipestem, Julia [f / 3] Pipestem, William [m / 3] Plumley, Albert [m / 2] Plumley, Joe [m / 6]
Rich, Mary [f / 6] Robedeaux, Daisy [f / 3] Robedeaux, Teresa [f / 6] Robedeaux, William [m / 1]
Shadlow, Adah [f / 2] Shadlow, William [m / 3] Shonatona, Baptiste "Bat" [m / 3] Shonatona, Jos [m / 4]
Tillman, Ethel [f / 4] Tillman, Leafy [f / 3]
Wild Bird, Emma [f / 6] Wild Bird, Violet [f / 4] Wild Bird, William [m / 1]
Young, Joseph [m / 4]
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