Joseph DeRoin Article on White Cloud
(This appeared in the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska Newsletter, 2nd
EDITION of May, 18, 1987)
The following article was given to us for publication in the
by Joseph W. DeRoin, P.O. Box 252, Winchester, CA 92396
Come take a trip with me through the two reservations in the early
1900's. We start at White Cloud & head west to the cemetary and take
the old reservation road. First, we meet James Norris and family, on
the Deweys, Bill and Joe Banks, on to Phillip LeClairs, the Tessons,
the Tesson cemetary, then the DeRoins (Pearl, John, Louis, my dad,
and my grandparents, Bill and Lizzie), on to the Coons (I wonder who
remembers a handsome guy by the name of Arthur Provo) on to Tommy
Lightfoot's, back west to Charles Pickett, the Fees, Knotts, and
Back to the Church and north to the Ogdens, Bill, Dan, the Simmonds,
to Chief White Cloud and family, Louis, Dan, and Sarah, the
Jim and Ida Ogden. Back to the Church and head west to the Ralph
Green's, Sam and Bessie Rhodd and family, Eddie Campbell, Charles and
Aunt Belle Dupuis and family, back of them the Godfreys, Bun and
Cotton, the Halls, north to the Thomas Murphy's, west to the Brien's,
the Roubidoux's, the Toupans, the Ferrons, Ed Roubidoux, Aunt Josie
Vetter, Em DeRoin family, Eddie DeRoin, Ira and Julia (DeRoin) Ogden,
the Le Clair family, Morris family, Pete Murphy family, the Barbers,
the Billy Margrove ranch. (I worked there three summers in a row). He
had a general store, blacksmith shop, grain elevator, lumber yard. He
raised and fattened cattle and hogs by the hundreds, had two other
ranches, one west and north the other west and south.
On west on the state line to the Le Clairs, Fred Green family,
Roubidoux, Joe and Anne Wabasaw, Bill, Harrison, and Kesh Mac
and the Murphys, Emma and Mike.
I almost forgot the Baradas, Fred and Bill and Aunt Annie, they lived
west of Pearl DeRoin.
If I have forgotten anyone I am very sorry.. My first year of school
was at the old Mission west of Bill Ogden farm, then we moved to
Cloud and I attended school there. I spent most of my summers on the
Submitted by Jim T.
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