Lesson One: Basic GreetingHere's a little example to give you a sense of the language, "Basic Ioway
Greetings". Also notice that in Ioway-Otoe sometimes the expressions may be
different, depending on whether a man is saying it or a woman is saying it.
"Aho! Darixga?" (ah-HO dah-REE-hka) means "Hello!
How are you?" (male speaker)
"Aha! Darixga?" (ah-HA dah-REE-hka) means "Hello!
How are you?" (female speaker)
"Hin pi ke" (heen PEE keh) means "I am good"
(male speaker)
"Hin pi ki" (heen PEE kee) means "I am good"
(female speaker)
And here are a few more Ioway-Otoe words:
Nyi (nyee) = Water
Taje = Wind
Che (chay) = Buffalo
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