Lessons Lesson One: Basic Greeting
Lesson Two: Have some coffee!
Lance Foster Ioway-Otoe Language Videos
Ioway-Otoe Language Part 1
Introducing the Ioway-Otoe Indian (Native American) language. I use some little plastic toys to teach some words. The Ioway and Otoe spoke the same language with some minor dialect differences. All the native speakers are gone, and the ones of us who are left are trying to keep at least some of the Ioway language alive.
Ioway-Otoe Language Part 2
Part 2 by Ioway tribal member Lance Foster gives a traditional greeting and also some vocabulary for the head and face.
Ioway-Otoe Language Part 3
Part 3 by Ioway tribal member Lance Foster. This is a regular conversation in Ioway, no translation will be given here. Also, spoken conjugations of the Ioway-Otoe verbs used in the conversation are included. In order to follow along and to get the English translations, the below link will open a new browser window in which you can follow along or print out the lesson:
Lesson Two: Have some Coffee!
Lance Foster Ioway-Otoe Language Audios
Ioway Language Part 1
Through page 33 of Jimm GoodTracks' Jiwele-Baxoje Wan'shige Ukenye Ich'e, Otoe-Ioway Indian Language Book 1. Covered topics are the Jiwele-Baxoje alphabet, vowels and consonants.
Download the podcast here. Recorded 2008 June 19, the podcast is 28 minutes in length. In IE right click and "save target as". In Firefox right click and "save link as".
Ioway Language Part 2
Covers pages 34-43 of Jimm GoodTracks' Jiwele-Baxoje Wan'shige Ukenye Ich'e, Otoe-Ioway Indian Language Book 1. Covered topics are nazalized vowels, consonant combinations and consonants with glottal. Also includes, at the request of listeners, a review of "naughty" words, which, Lance explains, weren't naughty in the Ioway culture, they were simply to do with the creation and maintenance of life. The words given are those which individuals were interested in using with their young children. "Part of learning the language is not just listening to it but speaking it," and some of the fundamentally useful words in a child's communication have to do with hygiene, the use of the bathroom, feeling ill, burping, hiccuping, cleansing the body, giving birth, nursing etc.
Download the podcast here. Recorded 2008 June 30, the podcast is a little over 28 minutes in length. In IE right click and "save target as". In Firefox right click and "save link as".
Rabbit and the Grasshoppers, adapted by Lance Foster from "The Rabbit and the Grasshopper: An Otoe Myth," by J. Owen Dorsey. Listen to a spoken version by Lance Foster.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4
Other Materials
Bryan James Gordon's "Phrases in Ioway indispensible to living with a 3-year-old"
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