Plaque Honoring Ioway Civil War Veterans
From the Brown County Genealogical Society newsletter. Original URL is defunct.
A Plaque at the Senior Citizen Center on the Iowa Reservation lists
the following Iowa Men that served in the Union Army during the Civil
Civil War 1861 - 1865
14th Vol. KS Cav., 13th Vol. KS Inf., and
1st NE Cav.
Abraham, Henry
Barber, Daniel
Buffalo, Henry
Burbank, John
Burbank, Joseph
Campbell, George
Campbell, Wm. Harvey
Deroin, Frank
Deroin, William
Dole, William
Dorian, Cass
Dorian, Linn
Dupuis, Franklin
Ford, John
Gamble, John
Gamble, Enoch
Godfrey, Daniel
Hawk, John
Hickman, Henry
Hill, John
Kennehook, James
Lee, Henry
Murry, Kirwin
No Heart, John
NoHeart, Robert
Reed, Sandy
Robidoux, Charles
Robidoux, Ferrier
Robidoux, Joseph
Spoonmore, Franklin
Squirrel, William
Valandrie, Joseph
Vetter, Joseph
Ward, William
Washburn, Henry
Washburn, James
Washington, George
White Cloud, Daniel
White Cloud, Samuel
White Water, Wm
White, George
White, Thomas
Wilson, Samuel
Wolf, William
This last-named plaque is the one mounted on the boulder,
researched by Dick Murphy and others (forgive me as I do not know
their names), and a project which was supported by the tribal
government, under Leon Campbell at the time. I was one of many there
for the dedication, which was a moving experience, on a windy, sunny
day during powwow time. This recognition by those ancestors by tribal
members and the tribal government should be applauded and should
as an example of what can happen when differences are put aside to
honor our ancestors and culture.
Lance Foster
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